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Welcome to the
Clear Sky Alarm Clock
Weather forecasts for astronomers delivered directly to your in-box.

Check out Tonight's Sky. An "Observation Session Planing" tool.
Please consider supporting this site by making a donation.     

Comments from users and benefactors of the Clear Sky Alarm Clock.

Thanks for your efforts! It'll make it easier for me to get out on the good nights.
- Hugh Hoover

The Clear Sky Alarm Clock saves me a lot of time and helps me plan my evenings while toiling at work in a room with no windows!
- Christopher Cowan

Your service is so helpful for us AstroBuds who work during the week. As you know we get about 10-12 weekend opportunities per year to do our hobby when we leave the city for a dark site. Forecasting the weather for our small niche is so important to the hobby.
- Allan and Kay Poage Memorial Observatory

Cool service!
- David

The CSAC is a really great idea. I've only recently signed up, and I find the output useful, detailed and concise. Mind you, the number of times that it actually gives clear skies leaves a little to be desired, but I know you can't do anything about that!.
- Doug

In my book, you are an internet GOD. Your ClearSky tool staves off disappointing viewing and identifies the crystal nights.
I heap accolades upon you,
- Leslie
Thank you, but I my role is really quite modest, especially when compared to God.

Awesome service!
Thank you,
- Terry, Vernon BC

This is great, thanks.
- Dan

I just want to thank you for this invaluable service. It just gets better and better. There is nothing I enjoy more than getting an email telling me the clouds are going to depart!
Thanks again. You service to this is appreciated.
- Gerald

The clear sky alarm clock has helped to alert me to the possibility of good seeing conditions in advance so that I can prepare myself and my equipment for an evening of observing. In conjunction with the clear sky clocks, it keeps my attention focused on astronomy much more than when I used to have to guess at what conditions might be based on weather forecasts and my personal observations of atmospheric conditions during the day alone. These two services have really revved up my enthusiasm for the hobby that I enjoy. I commend Mark for providing this service and encourage others to use these services and to also contribute so that he can be rightly compensated for the time that he puts in.
- Taylor

Planning my observing sessions is so much easier with the Clear Sky Alarm Clock notifications. Well worth every penny!
- Michael
Thank you, for the donation.

Please feel free to share your comments. I will be happy to post them if you wish. I will reply if you provide you email address in your note.

Thank you for the comments.

Clear skies,

Mark Casazza

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